European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture
The European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (EARA) is an independent farmer-led coordination and political advocacy organisation of the movement of regenerative agriculture at the European level.
It is firmly rooted in its pioneering farming stewards from all of Europe’s diverse contexts. EARA is striving to enable the transformation of our agrifood system through accountable ecologic, economic and social regeneration beginning with the health of our living soils.
Joint Response to Hansen's Agri-Food Vision by European Pioneers of Regenerating Forms of Agriculture and Food

Own figure based on Wang-Erlandsson et al. 2022; Persson et al. 2022; Steffen et al. 2015, Campbell et al. 2017; Kovac & Kravic 2023.
Towards a farmer-centric CAP rooted in Agroecosystem Health - Facilitating the Transformation of EU Agrifood Ecosystems
- structural simplification & fairness
- rapid spreading of context-specific innovation
- farm labour attractiveness
- synergistic integration of productivity & ecology
- an immense co-financing opportunity of Member States for climate change adaptation
- meaningful public reengagement with rural livelihoods, farmer well-being, local regions, landscapes and communities
- healthy and sustainable food security in Europe and beyond
- the strengthening of social cohesion and European sovereignty
- a re-rooting of the European project in the health of our European continent and its inhabitants

Own figure based on Wang-Erlandsson et al. 2022; Persson et al. 2022; Steffen et al. 2015, Campbell et al. 2017; Kovac & Kravic 2023.
Learn more about our Founding Farmers and how we work together to transform European agriculture
The current agri-food system is the greatest cause for the degradation of our planetary health
Additionally, in regard to human and animal health, crops have greatly reduced their antioxidants, micro- and phytonutrients due to modern genetics, agricultural practices, and degraded soil health underlying health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and diabetes.

Own figure based on Wang-Erlandsson et al. 2022; Persson et al. 2022; Steffen et al. 2015, Campbell et al. 2017; Kovac & Kravcik 2023.
The current agri-food system is the greatest emitter of greenhouse gases by economic sectors globally.
But there is proof of hope.
Regenerative farmers are leading the way from degradation to regeneration all over Europe.
Watch this space as we fill it with the profiles of our Founding Farmers!

You are a regenerative Farmer?
Evidence of the impressive outcomes produced by regenerative farmers
Regenerative farmers from several European countries, genders, ages and farm types work together
In a time when political decisions fail to solve the ‘trade-off’ between the regeneration of ecosystems and agricultural productivity, regenerative farmers show that resilient and high quality yields are best achieved through ecosystem regeneration with various co-benefits on health and climate change mitigation. EARA serves to make the voices of farming pioneers central in relevant political discourses to guide stakeholders’ decision-making in the EU member states as well as in EU institutions towards the urgently needed regenerative transformation of our agri-food system in Europe and beyond.

Examples of our Policy Advocacy
Joint Position Paper on the Soil Health Law

EU Soil Health Law Coalition

Joint Position Paper on the Soil Health Law

EARA White Paper: Together for Regenerative Agrifood Ecosystems

Towards a farmer-centric CAP rooted in agroecosystem health

Become a part of the transformation.
The ecosystem EARA strives to grow around its regenerating farmers is inclusive of everyone in the regenerative movement who is deeply engaged in the genuine regeneration of our EU agri-food system and beyond: Farmers, scientists, policy-makers, NGOs, individual pioneers from the food industry and many many more. If you want to join our Alliance and support our ecosystem, political advocacy and agitation please reach out.
EARA’s Operational Team is driven by the needs, knowledge and experience of our community of regenerative farmers. They act as coordinators and facilitators of our farmer-led Alliance.